Our Location
We occupy a 17,000 square foot concrete tilt-up building with complete parking & loading in Vernon, California, blocks away from the Los Angeles Produce Market.
We have 15,000 square feet of refrigerated space with 5 separate variable temperature-controlled environments, freezer and a separate refrigerated repack room for incoming produce.
Our headquarters and warehouse are protected by advanced on-site and remote surveillance systems around the clock. Bandwagon has developed a close relationship with the city of Vernon law enforcement to ensure that our facility is patrolled at all times.

LOCAL: All of our produce is purchased and loaded F.O.B. and distributed throughout our brand new 17,000 sq ft. concrete distribution center, within minutes of the LA produce market. Our buyers and company trucks ensure that the product is efficiently moved and constatnly refrigerated to maitain product quality.

REGULATED: We were awarded the Primus Food Safety GFS certification for strictly adhering to regulation regarding sanitation, packaging, temperature control, employee access, and upkeep. In addition to our refrigeration space and freezer, we have an isolated cleaning and processing room for all incoming fruits and vegetables. We intend to continue working with the FDA and promise our customers the freshest produce available, handled according to strict, safe protocols.

FRESH & RELIABLE: Our refrigeration is equipped with the most reliable parts to ensure that each produce order is always fresh and at the optimal temperature. Not all produce is created alike - the different types of product are organized and distributed throughout a number of refrigeration units to meet each product's unique storage needs.
SECURE: Our warehouse and headquarters are located in the city of Vernon and are protected by the most advanced on-site and remote surveillance systems around the clock, seven days a week. As Vernon has its own police force, Bandwagon has developed a close relationship with Vernon law enforcement offcials to ensure that our products and personnel are safe and protected at all times.

Bandwagon Brokerage, Inc. - 4550 Seville Ave. Vernon, California 90058
Tel: (323) 983-0670 - Fax: (323) 923-5579 - Email: info@bandwagoninc.com